Introducing Frutas del Paraguay

Created in September 2017, Frutas del Paraguay SA is the company that owns the farmland and assets (complete list in Appendix) and that'll sell you the land and take care of the administration.

Frutas del Paraguay is headquartered at the farm's address in Santa Maria de Fe, Cerro Costa, Misiones Paraguay.

Persimmon Growing Experience

The Bright Red persimmon originates from Valencia, Spain, where it's widely grown (about 450M kg per year) and has even partially replaced the famous Valencia orange in recent years.

Two of the company's partners come from Valencia. Mr. Ignacio Prats, our technical director, has his own production of persimmon in the Valencia region while providing technical advice to several other mid and big persimmon farms.

GLOBALG.A.P. Certification

The most commonly requested certification for exporting fruit is GLOBALG.A.P., an internationally recognized certified standard that ensures Good Agricultural Practices. It has become nearly impossible to supply to Northern European buyers without this certification since it is a standard requirement of most supermarkets in that region.

GLOBALG.A.P. covers the whole agricultural production process, from before the plant is in the ground to the non-processed product. By achieving this certification, we can assure buyers that our fruits are produced, prepared, and handled according to the highest possible standards.